MOCAP Course Eligibility Process
Request for course enrollment
MOCAP Course Enrollment eligibility is based on the following criteria:
-The student resides and is enrolled in the district on a full-time basis
-Student has attended a public school or charter school for at least one semester immediately prior to enrolling in a MOCAP course, *and
-Enrollment is approved by the principal or designee
*Students will be excused from this attendance requirement if they have a documented medical or psychological diagnosis or condition that prevented them from attending school in the community during the previous semester. Attendance in a school-sponsored early childhood education program qualifies as attendance for MOCAP kindergarten enrollment.
A student or parent/guardian must receive district approval before the student may enroll in one or more MOCAP courses through MOCAP paid for by the district. Approval will be granted and the student will be enrolled unless the principal or designee, in consultation with the students parent/guardian and relevant staff (such as the school counselor or district special education director), determines that it is not in the best educational interest of the student to enroll in the course.
The principal or designee will approve or deny the initial request within ten business days from the date the principal or designee receives the request unless the student has an individualized education program (IEP) or an accommodation plan under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504 Plan).
If the principal or designee determines that it is not in a student's best educational interest to take a virtual course, they will notify the student and the parents/guardians in writing, provide an explanation for the decision, and inform them that they may appeal the decision to the Superintendent Dr. Brad Welle.
Student Application process:
1. A student or parent/guardian must notify the student's principal or designee before the student may enroll in a district-sponsored virtual course or a MOCAP virtual course through the district. The student will be enrolled unless the principal or designee, in consultation with the student's parents/guardians and relevant staff, such as the school counselor or district special education director (when the student has an IEP or 504), determines that there is a good cause to refuse the student enrollment in the course. For enrollment in a MOCAP course, good cause is limited to situations where it is not int he best educational interest of the student to enroll in the course.
2. Complete the Virtual Learning Application (in-person or emailed)
3. Identify the course(s) the student would like to take through MOCAP
MOCAP Course Eligibility Pages 1-3 provided by DESE at mocap.mo.gov