Check Stub Abbreviation Index

Pay Voucher/Check Stub Abbreviation Index

We recommend that each team member become familiar with their pay voucher/pay stub and contact the Payroll Department with any questions.

Here is a listing of the abbreviations that may appear on our pay vouchers/check stubs:

PLV ACCUM = Personal Leave HOURS available to use
PLV USED = Personal Leave HOURS used
SLV ACCUM = Sick Leave HOURS available to use
SLV USED = Sick Leave HOURS used

BP LIFE = Board Paid Life insurance benefit paid by the school district
BP MEDIC = Board Paid medical insurance benefit paid by the school district
BP LFSUM = Board paid summer life insurance benefit paid by the school district *
BP SUM M = Board paid summer medical benefit paid by the school district *
BP HSA = Board paid medical insurance benefit applied to Health Savings Account
BPS HSA = Board paid summer medical insurance benefit applied to Health Savings Acct

C-MEDICAL = Cafeteria Plan (pre-tax) medical deduction
C-DENTAL = Cafeteria Plan (pre-tax) dental deduction
C-VISION = Cafeteria Plan (pre-tax) vision deduction
VOL LIFE = additional Life Insurance deduction
HSA DED = your contribution to your Health Savings Account
C-SUM ME = Cafeteria Plan (pre-tax) summer medical deduction *
C-SUM DE = Cafeteria Plan (pre-tax) summer dental deduction *
C-VIS SU = Cafeteria Plan (pre-tax) summer vision deduction *
SUM VOL = summer portion of Voluntary Life Insurance deduction *

* Non 12-month team members who are paid every two weeks: These extra benefits/deductions are taken out of the first two checks of each month (a few months have three checks) to cover July, August, and September premiums.

If you did not elect Cafeteria Plan deductions, there will not be a “C” in front (i.e. MEDICAL rather than C-MEDICAL)

GROSS = total wages earned
FEDERAL = federal taxes withheld
OASDI = social security withheld
MEDICARE = medicare withheld
STATE = state taxes withheld
CITY = city taxes withheld (will always be 0)
RETIREMENT = mandatory retirement system contributions withheld
EIC = earned income credit (only if you qualify)
DEDUCTIONS = total amount of deductions you authorized (i.e. medical, dental, life insurance)
NET PAY = take-home pay

PAY PER # gives you the amounts from GROSS through NET PAY for check you are receiving
ANNUAL gives you the amounts from GROSS through NET PAY for the calendar year
FISCAL gives you the amounts from GROSS through NET PAY for the fiscal year (July - June)

$$$$$$ TO (your bank) is the TOTAL net pay of all check stubs you receive that day

CHECK DATE: the date money will be deposited in your account
CHECK NO: your check number
ACCT: the budget account from which you are paid
TX TBL: information for the software system
(JOB ASSIGNMENT you are being paid for)
MARITAL STATUS: how you chose to file taxes (federal and state)
RET%/TYPE: mandatory retirement system in which you are enrolled
ALLOWANCES: number of people you wish to claim per your federal & state tax forms
EXEMPT FED: STATE: will always be AN@ unless you do not qualify to have taxes withheld
HOURLY: your rate of pay
HRS/DAYS WKD: number of hours for which you are being paid (at STRAIGHT TIME)
THIS PAYROLL CHECK HAS BEEN DEPOSITED INTO THE BANK - lets you know this is direct deposit

Other benefits/deductions you may see on your check stub if you signed up for them:

XTRA FED = extra federal taxes you elected to have taken out each check
XTRA STATE = extra state taxes you elected to have taken out each check
403B ANN = retirement savings - voluntary deduction
ROTH403B = retirement savings – voluntary deduction
457 DED = retirement savings – voluntary deduction
ROTH 457 = retirement savings – voluntary deduction
DEP DAY = dependent day care – voluntary deduction
125CH FEE = fee for dependent day care coverage
GVEF = Grain Valley Education Fund – voluntary deduction
MSTA = Teacher’s organization fees - voluntary deduction

If you are receiving any pay for hours over 40 in a week (paid at time and one-half), it will either be listed on one of the top three lines of your stub (if it was a minimal amount of hours), or will be paid on a separate voucher/check.

If you believe an insufficient amount of taxes are being withheld you may, at any time, complete new tax forms to make the adjustments you need.
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