Bright Futures Grain Valley is a community network of committed partners working together to address the basic needs of any student – often within 24 hours. The Bright Futures model brings together businesses, faith-based organizations, civic organizations, local government, and parent groups for the benefit of the youth in our community. This enables students and teachers to focus on education and achieving success.
Bright Futures Grain Valley works to create an environment where education is valued and responsibility for student success is shared. Bright Futures operates under the belief that when a community invests its time, talent, and treasure into its schools, students are more likely to stay in school through graduation, have a higher degree of self-worth and confidence, and set and reach goals for the future. In turn, these students grow up to be better neighbors, quality employees, and impactful leaders in their communities.
Join our Response Army by following Bright Futures Grain Valley on Facebook.
Community Partners
Watch for efforts by these Bright Futures community partners to respond to the needs of young people in our community. When you give time, talent, or treasure to these organizations, you help Grain Valley’s children.
- Grain Valley Assistance Council
- FOCUS for Grain Valley
- Blue Springs Christian Church
- Crossroads Church
- Faith United Methodist Church
- First Baptist Church of Grain Valley
- First Baptist Church of Blue Springs
- Grain Valley Chiropractic
- LifeConnections Church Grain Valley
- Valley Community Church
- Kissick Construction / Valley Properties
- Bank of Grain Valley
- Blue Ridge Bank and Trust
- City of Grain Valley
- Giving The Basics
- Community Services League
- Harvesters
- United Way of Kansas City
If your business would like to become a community partner with Bright Futures Grain Valley, please contact us at: [email protected]